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Family: Gain a shell remotely --> Category: infos

OpenSSH < 3.0.1 Vulnerability Scan

Vulnerability Scan Summary
Checks for the remote SSH version

Detailed Explanation for this Vulnerability Test

You are running a version of OpenSSH which is older than 3.0.1.

Versions older than 3.0.1 are vulnerable to a flaw in which
a possible hacker may authenticate, provided that Kerberos V support
has been enabled (which is not the case by default).
It is also vulnerable as an excessive memory clearing bug,
believed to be unexploitable.

*** You may ignore this warning if this host is not using
*** Kerberos V

Solution : Upgrade to OpenSSH 3.0.1

Threat Level: Low (if you are not using Kerberos) / High (if kerberos is enabled)

Click HERE for more information and discussions on this network vulnerability scan.


P.O. Box 827051

Pembroke Pines, FL 33082-7051

Vulnerability Scanning Solutions, LLC.